Metrolina Control Line Society
Origin, History, and Activities
updated Dec 2024
Our current active club membership is around forty members, having grown from about six or seven active control line fliers who, in 1981 began to think of forming a modeling club dedicated to building and flying control line model airplanes.
Flying activities then usually occurred in vacant paved parking lots, ball parks, or open grass fields that were Large enough to allow models to fly round and round held by two sixty foot long steel wires.. Sites at that time were at Sheriil industries in Dallas NC , Ashbrook High School in Gastonia NC , W. Lincoln High SChool , Lincolnton NC
A name was selected so that it could be identified by a general geographical area where most of the club members lived. The name “Metrolina” had at that time become popular which identified roughly a one hundred mile radius around Charlotte, North Carolina.
Within that circular area, about half is in North Carolina and half in South Carolina.
So, the name “METROLINA CONTROL LINE SOCIETY” (MCLS) was selected For the benefit of control line modelers in the two state area.
Those first few original club members continued to support control line activities with or without a suitable flying field.Around 1988, Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation Department, with Charlotte as the major metro area, became interested in converting an existing landfill into a model airplane flying facility primarily for use by R/C flyers in the Charlotte area.The name of the park was Holbrooks Aeromodelers Park, Huntersville NC
,Memo from Craig Sloan November 1 2020 ,
Craig Sloan 11-1-20•••
It was created via generous private grant From David B. Waymer a former professional sports hero from the Charlotte area. Thus the flying site was renamed the Waymer Flying Field. in the late 80’s
MCLS members during those years contacted Mecklenburg Parks Department to request a portion of the landfill be developed for use by control line modelers. Neville Monatagriff and Craig Sloan we the initial contacts for MCLS
After several meetings and “selling control line activities” to the Parks Administration, it was decided that indeed some areas of the field could be devoted to control line flying.
The first control line flying began in 1988 ,We Had a grass control line circle at the end of a parking lot , and a grass R/C runway, with no shelter,
With our foot in the door we continued to attend meetings to request additional funds for a shelter, paved circles , etc, The field was used to redistribute excess topsoil in the late 80’s , Funds for the improvements were approved , sometime around 1990 the circles were graded to the layout that we have today,
With that in place, three circles were leveled off and two circles paved and one remained grass. This was a near perfect site for that timeframe. Photo and site location information is included at the end of this write-up
With a very viable and useful flying field, In 1994 MCLS held their first competition at the field. The contests we host each year attract from 45 -75 contestants and 70 to 120 spectators, judges and administrative people.
A covered shelter with picnic tables was added in the late 90 ‘s and was a welcome relief from the Carolina sun. Recently additional porta potties have been added along with battery recharging station. Many happy hours have been spent at the Waymer field by MCLS Club members, contest contestants, guests and others.
Field overview after the 2017 Improvements
A recent repaving of the two circles was accomplished in the fall of 2006 and again in 2017. This effort was a tremendous improvement to the field. As a result, more and more competitors are now showing up at the field during the scheduled competitions. Many of these people & families are from out of town who stay at local motels, dine at local restaurants, purchase gas at local quick shops and go to some of the major attractions which provides direct economic benefit for local business as well as indirect benefit to Mecklenburg County.
Our contest’s have grown into possibly the largest single weekend control line contest east of the Mississippi. We have three major Controline events, Stunt, Navy Carrier & Combat flown during the same weekend. If you want to be at a control line contest, this is the one to attend. The competition includes, or has included, some of the best flyers in the US with National winners, World Championships winners and team members participating. Along with the competition is the social activities of groups going to local restaurants and the enjoyment of homemade ice cream back at the motel after the Saturday meal. On Sunday after the awards presentations some attendees drive down to one of our members home to continue sport flying at his private field.
Since 2003 we have had 372 individuals who have attended at least one of our contests. They have come from 32 states and 3 foreign countries.
A few years ago the Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation North District management asked the two flying clubs, Flying Aces Pilots Association (FAPA) and (MCLS), who share the field to take over the operation of the field. The county is responsible for maintenance and upgrades to the field.
After meeting with the FAPA RC club, it was decided to form an AMA Chapter organization, (WACAMA – FAPA & MCLS), to oversee the operation of the field which included procedures for safety, parking and for locking the gate.
The WACAMA Chapter board of directors consists of two RC club members, two CL club members and one other club member.
A yearly fee, which includes a park pass and gate key, has been established to obtain funds for site improvements. The key opens the locks at the gate. Anyone who uses the field on a regular basis is expected to obtain a park pass. These funds contributed to all field improvements
Our core of our members is about 40 people who are life, dues paying, or associate (non-flying) memberships, Many live within 100 miles of Huntersville, NC. We have another 30+ people who were former members or people who have visited or contacted us which we consider as potential members or friends we want to keep aware of our activities.
This is a Map of our current members, friends and competitors locations as of July 2015
The yellow area is a 100 mile radius from Waymer Field
This is a sceen print of a ZeeMap file ( that we keep updated.
We require all flying members to belong to the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) as part of our bylaws and a requirement of our Mecklenburg Park & Recreation Dept. contract to use and operate the field.
The wealth of experience of our members is available to all who ask for it. New members of any age or experience level are welcome. We are always willing to help anyone weather they are new or coming back to control line. We welcome all who show a genuine interest whether it is in flying or just as an observer.
A new member wishing to learn more about control line modeling has only to ask for help which will be freely given. We also have trainer models available, both Glow or Electric. We can teach potential members how to fly without the initial investment of buying equipment. Not a bad deal in any sport!
One of our members, James “Duck” Duckworth, has a first class museum of really antique modeling items dating back almost to the very beginning of the model airplane hobby. This Museum also has one of the most extensive collections of American Junior Aircraft memorabilia on the east coast and is highly recommended to all who would like to see how it was “in the good old days” as well as a glimpse of current modeling items.
These models, were designed & produced by, Jim Walker, the father of CL flying by the American Junior Aircraft Co. from the 40s to the 50s. This was the beginning of CL flying.
Many of us learned to fly with the Firebaby The Firecat is now available from Brodak.
We have members that are active with internet communication networks and forums giving interesting and amazing modeling stories, advice and solutions to problems.
Several of our members have or currently participate or direct AMA Sanctioned competition events held locally at Waymer Field, or in other states such as The Vintage Stunt Championships in, Arizona, is a must see to watch and meet some of the legends of stunt and their models.
A number of our members have participated at the Brodak Fly-In at Carmichaels, Pa for the past 21 years. Club Members Will Davis and Mark Weiss are the current contest directors for The Brodak Fly in and Joe Nall Control Line events .
Other states visited have included but not limited to Kentucky, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Virginia, Ohio .Oklahoma , Arizona, California Tennessee, and of course the AMA National Flying site in Muncie, Indiana.
MCLS members either hold or have held National model flying records, National Champions, USA Team Memberships, and are leaders in world class events held in foreign countries. We have other members who are known nationwide as control line model designers, magazine columnists, national level Judges, coaches and engine experts.
One of our members, Dave Nyce, works with kids in a foster care facility in building and flying CL models. Several of our members visited with him and his kids to demonstrate what our models can do.
In 2011 we were asked to bid on the F2C, Team Racing event, National team trials to select the teams to represent the United States at the 2012 World Control line championships. Our bid was chosen and we hosted a very successful event.
We attract National and international fliers to our contests with positive reviews on the internet forums and word of mouth from people who have attended our events. One C/L vendor from Slovakia while visiting his US distributor participated in one of our contests. Flyers from Canada have made several trips just to fly in our contests and to visit friends or relatives.
We have supplied a number of trainer pilots for the Control Line experience at the Joe Nall Fly In for the past 3 years and will continue to do so for future Fly-Inn’s . There have been at least 1800+ young and old spectators who experienced flying a control line model over the week of CL & RC flying activities.
Derek Barry, who started flying here as a child was a Junior World Champion and represented the United Stated at the 2010 World Championships .
Allen Brickhaus and Watt Moore have been profiled in issues of Control Line World.
Allen was elected to AMA hall of fame for his contributions to stunt community through his many published designs, long running editing the stunt news section in the Flying Models magazine and his work in is community working with children.
Website is , Frequent updates to keep the membership informed.
Monthly Meetings at Waymer Field – the fourth Saturday each month.
Flying before and after the meetings .
AMA Sanctioned Contests or Fun-Fly
Stunt, Speed Limit Combat and Navy Carrier are currently being flown.
Other events can be added as time and interest dictates.
May Fun Fly at Huntersville
September 1/2 A day
Oct – Carolina Classic fall contest. Generaly the third weekend in October Check the AMA Contest Calendar for specific events and dates
Flying at the Waymer Field on non meeting days depends the weather and each individuals desire to just get out to fly or to practice for an upcoming contest or event
Control line (also called U-Control, U/C, C/L or Line Control ) is a simple way of controlling a flying model aircraft. The model is connected to the pilot at all times by a pair of lines. A handle, that works the elevator of the model allows the model to be controlled in the up and down motion. It is limited to fly on the surface of a hemisphere by the control lines.
All that is needed to fly is a field or parking lot larger than the line length.
The control lines are usually either stranded steel or Spectra synthetic lines are a new approved line. Lines are anywhere from 0.008 in dia. (0.20 mm) to 0.021 in dia. (0.53 mm) and are from 25 to 70 feet in length.
This direct control feature is what separates us from Radio Control (RC) model aircraft, who use radio waves to control the movement of their model aircraft as flown by our RC friends, the Flying Aces Pilots Association (FAPA), who share the operation of the Waymer Flying Field with MCLS
Control-line models are typically built with traditional materials like balsa wood, plywood, paper, plastic, spruce, and polystyrene foam, but modern composite and graphite/epoxy are occasionally used in high-load applications. Lately Almost Ready to Fly (ARFs) are being produced which provide a quick way to get flying.
They are powered by internal combustion engines or electric motors of various sizes depending on the size of the model or type of competition being flown.
Modeling interests for MCLS members include a variety of control line events, some for competition and others just for fun, as briefly described below:
General Sport flying:
Run what you brung and have fun. This is generally what we do at our meetings along with training sessions with anyone who shows up and wants to fly. We have experienced trainers and trainer aircraft available.
The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) is the official national body for model aviation in the United States which establishes the rules for and sanctions competition events. AMA provides liability insurance for both individuals and contest sites in case of accidents.
Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) is the body for model aviation in the world and establishes the rules for sanctioned competition events at the world level.
The specific rules and requirements are available from AMA or FAI Websites competition events.
For rules about non rule book events – contact the contest director
Listed below are the events we have or are currently participating in as part of our club or competition activities.
Precision aerobatics (Stunt)
Precision aerobatics consists of flying a fixed sequence of maneuvers which are scored by judges for accuracy and precision. The event was originally dubbed “stunt” and current participants refer to it that way informally.
Stunt models are often beautifully painted and can take hundreds of hours to finish.
The ability to master the maneuvers and adjust the model to perform these maneuvers takes many more hours to master.
These models fall into a number of different events depending on the age of the design.
The PAMPA events allow fliers of different skill levels, from Beginner to Expert, to compete against other flyers at the same skill level. Multiple winners at a lower level are expected to move (Booted) up to the next level.
Current events being flown are:
The following events use specific pattern maneuvers unique to that event.
Basic Flight – Beginner level with very limited maneuvers required. Any model can be used.
Old Tine – Limited to designs that were flown or published before Dec. 1952. They fly an Old Time Pattern
PAMPA Beginner – Limited to flyers of very low skills. They fly a beginner version of the full pattern.
The following events use the full AMA pattern maneuvers.
Profile – Limited to Profile type models..
Nostalgia 30 – Older designs that were flown or published 30 years from the current year.
PAMPA Intermediate – Moved up (Booted) from beg. and are still learning
PAMPA Advanced – Have improved their skills but still have a ways to go.
PAMPA Expert – The best flyers are at this level with the flight scores being very close.
The majority of our members and contest entrants fly in one or more of these events. Within the club members there is a wide range of knowledge on how to build, finish, resolve problems to fly these models to their full potential.
Combat is an event where to two pilots fly in the same circle with streamers on their models and “dogfight” to take cuts off their opponent’s streamer.
Models are very basic, with nothing non-functional included, Extremely fast and highly maneuverable. Wheels are not functional so a hand launch is required. This requires a teammate to launch the model.
Model designs are mostly flying-wings, which chase each other around the sky at speeds in from 70 to 130+ mph.
Despite deliberate mid-airs being banned, the mid-air or line tangle crash rate can be high, with pilots commonly bringing 10 or more models to a major competition.
Air time (1 pt./ second) and cuts(100pts.) made on your opponents streamer determine the winner.
Control line Combat has the most spectator appeal as the action is fast and the models are constantly changing direction.
Navy Carrier
Navy Carrier is an event where semi-scale models of real naval aircraft are flown. The models are powered by glow engines or electric motors.
The event replicates the requirements of full-scale carrier aircraft, which need high speed for combat performance, low speed for landing and toughness for hard carrier landings. Takeoff and landings are from a simulated aircraft carrier deck, with arrestor wires.
The purpose of the event is to complete a number of fast laps, flown as fast as possible, followed by a number of slow laps, flown as slowly as possible. This is followed by the arrested carrier deck landing, attempting to snag the arrestor wire. The score depends on the difference of the high and low speed, and the arrested landing. No arrested landing no score.
High Speed Run Low Speed “Hanging” Arrested Landing
This is an event where an accurate scale model of a full scale aircraft is built and flown. Several classes of this event are offered, using models that range from fairly simple 1/2A profile models to those which are highly complex and detailed, requiring hundreds of hours of research and construction effort.
Scoring is determined by two judging categories – static and flight. The total score is the sum of the scores for these two categories.
Static judging scores are determined by how closely the model matches the full scale aircraft in appearance. The contestant furnishes a document with information, drawings and photographs of the full scale aircraft from which the judges can evaluate and score how closely the model replicates it.
Flight judging scores are determined by how closely the model matches the full scale aircraft in flight. A series of mandatory and optional flight maneuvers and/or mechanical operations (engine control, flaps, etc.) are demonstrated, and are judged and scored.
Control of the model’s elevation must be mechanical, in typical control line fashion. Other controls, such as engine control, flap deployment, etc., can be mechanical using additional control lines, or electronic, either by signals transmitted through insulated lines or by 2.4GHz radio transmissions.
In this event the purpose is to fly a control line model airplane over a fixed distance in the shortest time possible.
One of the model’s wings is attached to the control handle with the use of a thin steel wire (or wires), the control line. The handle is held by the flier, who rotates around the center pole called the pylon while controlling the flight altitude.
Speed competition is divided into classes based on engine size/type and aircraft design.
Control line speed planes are unique, they are small and very streamlined to minimize drag. Some models are of unusual asymmetric design, with only one wing on the inboard side of the fuselage and the stabilizer on the outboard side.
The purpose of this shape is to have as much as possible of the control line wire hidden inside the wing to minimize drag. This sometime does not include a landing gear. In this case a special dolly is used.
Some models look like real planes and are beautifully finished.
Speed models use high performance piston and pulse jet engines to reach speeds that have gone over 200+ mph.
Racing is what happens when one flyer says “Mine will go faster than yours”.
So put them in the circle together and let’s see! It’s all about getting from here to there the quickest!
Racing over the years have evolved from a few events to a multitude of events that involve world, national and local rules that cover the spectrum of engine sizes, speed and expense.
At the highest level the models are capable of 160 -170 mph. At this level only two flyers are in the circle in the interest of safety.
Two or three models race each other from a standing start for a specified number of laps or time. Fastest model to complete those laps or time limit is the winner.
Racing is a TEAM effort requiring both a pilot and a pitman. All racing events require at least one, perhaps more, pit-stops to be made during the course of a race. The pilot must bring the model, with the engine not running, to the pitman where the pitman must re-fuel and restart the engine. A very fast pitman can do that in as little as 5-6 seconds, but most are slower than that.
Local Contacts
North Carolina – Will Davis (704) 860-1079 email:
South Carolina – Don Jenkins (803) 831-1773 email:
Eastern NC Everette Shoemaker , Tom Weedman
Huntersville Exit 23 on I 77
Huntersville, NC 28078
12 volt charging station
Porta Johns