Official Web site for :          

Metrolina  Control  Line Society

AMA Club # 1811     

Flying Control Line Since 1981


  Update: July 24

        We visited Watt Moire this week   

•••Next    MCLS Club  meeting  July 27  at Huntersville 2:00 pm 


MCLS Membership    

Will Davis, Don Jenkins, Max Flowe, James Duckworth, Phil Bailey ,Ray Copeland ,Fred Brigeman,  Gerry Glier, David Green, Larry Hillier, James McKinney,  Watt Moore  ,Stan Powell, Kermit Payne,Wayne Robinson , Scott Seiler, Trevor Sayer , David Nyce, Jo Shoemaker, Everette Shoemaker, Sonny Williams ,Gustavo Urtubey   , Buddy Barbee, James McKinney 


President              •••       Will Davis

Vice President   •••        Max Flowe 

Sec Treasurer    •••        Don Jenkins 

Safety Officer    •••        James Duckworth 

Membership        •••      Everette Shoemaker 

•• MCLS  Notice •• 

  • MCLS Club Meeting •••• Next meeting of MCLS  will be Saturday  July 27   2:00 pm at David B Waymer field 

Metrolina Control Line Society Meeting


Metrolina Control Line Society Meeting Minutes from 29 June 2024


Metrolina Control Line Society (MCLS) held their regular monthly meeting via ZOOM.  Will Davis, Don Jenkins and Max Flowe were in attendance.  Earlier in the day, Will Davis and Don Jenkins met at theWaymer Flying Field in Huntersville, NC to get in some flying before it got too hot.  Will wacked the weeds off the upper circle so it was useable, and we both got in several stunt patterns.      


The meeting was brought to order via ZOOM at 2:02 PM

Financial Report:

The club remains financially stable and has the funds available to supportcontrol line modeling for another year. The meeting minutes from our meeting in April were read and approved by those in attendance.

President’s Report:  

1. Here is an updated list of upcoming contests and events:
US Nationals in Muncie, August 4-9.
2024 World Championship in Muncie, August 12-17.
Canton Georgia Contest, September 13-15.
KOI, McAlpin FL, September 27 – 29.
Nall in the Fall October 4-11.

Old Business:

1. No old business.

New Business:

1. The Brodak Fly-In held 10-15 June went very well.  Attendance was up and the weather was perfect every day!  Buzz Brodak has already committed to having another Fly-In for 2025!
2. The next club meeting will be at the Waymer Flying Field on 27 July2024 at 2:00 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:33 PM.


Don Jenkins

Secretary and Treasurer   


MCLS December club meeting 

Great story on Tom Dixon and Bob Elliott  P40 Black Tiger 

November  Club meeting 

Don Jenkins , Will Davis , Scott Seiler  and Max Flowe with their Brodak SV 11 models


Carolina Gang at Golden Oldies Control Line Contest.  Roanoke Rapids ,NC  


1/2 A Day  




         Will Davis

 Club Meeting •••

•    The Next club meeting will be Saturday July 27  2:00 at Huntersville  David B Waymer field   

Social Media •••
Facebook pages that might be of interest to control line flyers below

Metrolina Control Line Society 
• PAMPA control line 
• Control Line flying  
• Brodak Hobby is

Contest Season •••    
I updated the list of  control line events that members attend from  the southeast . 

 If your organization has a control line event scheduled ,  let me know and I will add it to our web site. 

PAMPA •••    

 The Precision Aerobatics Model Pilots Association, Inc. (PAMPA) is recognized by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) as a Special Interest Group (SIG) representing Control Line Precision Aerobatics (CLPA) enthusiasts on a national and international basis.

The mission of PAMPA is to promote and improve control line precision aerobatics events.    

 The PAMPA web site has many digital articles available for download, pictures, District/Regional contact  information  

Club meeting •••

Next meeting Sat June 27   

Join the Fun •••

If you  want to meet up to fly at Huntersville ,   contact Will Davis  , Don Jenkins or Max Flowe to get together . 

Will Davis




Quote of the Day  

…”Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference!”

Mark Twain 








  MCLS   attended   Contest




 ••• AMA Nationals 2024 •••  August 3-9





••• August 9 and 10•••• WV Aviation Expo




•• 2024 Control Line World Championships  at AMA Muncie Indiana 

August 12-17 


••• Sept 7,    2024 •••Golden Oldies Contest -Smithfield  NC . Tom Weedman ,Andy Patterson ,, Sat only OTS , Classic  , Profile , Warbird ,   

•••Sept 13-15, 2024 •• •Canton Ga Contest .   Doug Patterson , Tom Dixon 

••• Sept  27-29 , 2024 KOI International  CD •Wayne Smith 



In the workshop :  
 Don’s new Electric PA model  pics during construction , 



June 2024 


March 2024




Quote of the Day •••••
